Friday, January 28, 2011

A raw update.

I realize the flaw in the concept of a raw feeding blog... Lack of material.  Perhaps I'm not creative enough to to see the blog-worthy moments of day to day feeding.  But I don't have much else new to write about.

Raw feeding is going great.  I've gotten a lot more free meat, and should be set for a while.  Mona had a slight upset last week and, to be on the safe side, I took her to the vet.  He ran some tests but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary.  He ran a stool sample and couldn't find any bad bacteria in it whatsoever (take that, anti-raw germophobes!!).  Most likely, she ate something she shouldn't have, probably from outside.  We now watch her much more closely when we let her outside!

I am planning to scout out some ethnic grocery stores this weekend in hopes of finding sources for organs, which is my only hang-up right now.  Mona gets liver, but I have yet to find any other organs.  I'd also love to find some beef heart, which I've yet to try.  I'll try to post pictures of whatever goodies I might find (assuming I locate my camera, which is MIA!).

In the mean time, I think I'll expand this blog to include more of my pets.  Between the rest of the critters in my house, I doubt I'll be short on material!

Monday, January 17, 2011

A lesson in the importance of bone.

I learned a valuable lesson this week in the importance of bone-in meals.  Mona's main source of bone is chicken.  Specifically, leg quarter pieces that she eats about 3 days a week.  We were low on chicken but had lots of venison and pork, and since I was pretty busy this week I kept putting off buying more chicken.  This meant she ate a lot of venison and pork, probably 4 or 5 days straight.  So, Sunday she woke up at 4am (and again at 8am) with watery stools.  Immediately realizing my mistake, I gave her a bone-in chicken thigh that afternoon.  I'm not sure how long it takes for the bone to "kick in", but the watery mess continued ALL. DAY. LONG.  She was asking to go outside constantly, and even had an accident that evening.  I like to think that, since she couldn't hold it, she at least knew to aim for the linoleum and not the carpet.  :)  Again this morning, she woke up at 3am again at 6, with no improvement.  

Mona will eat another bony chicken meal today, probably tomorrow too, and hopefully that will help get us back on track.  And I will never again slack on buying chicken if it is time for a bony meal!!