Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bok bok bok! (A Raw Update)

I think I'm overdue for a raw update.  Raw feeding has been going swimmingly, and I finally feel confident about my ability to judge portions and meat/bone/organ ratios.  This is probably in large part due to the fact that I've finally found a source of organ meat.  Since picky Mona won't each the super-cheap and widely available chicken liver, I'd been struggling to find beef liver.  I went the first couple months with only meat and bone before I found some beef liver (albeit more costly than I wanted).  I made do with this for a couple more months, but I knew I needed to fill the other half of alloted 10% organ with something that was NOT liver.  Thankfully, a friend turned me on to My Pet Carnivore.  Their prices were reasonable, and I was able to split the order with another raw feeding friend (err, my only raw feeding friend!) which made the delivery fee a non-issue.  I'm thoroughly please with my purchase, and I now have enough organ meat (spleen, kidney, pancreas, and beef liver too!) to las be SEVERAL months.  Success!

While my main reason for ordering from MPC was for the elusive organ meat, I also bought a few "extras" just for variety's--and curiosity's--sakes.  :)  I got one bag each of chicken heads, chicken feet, and turkey feet.  While I'm not completely new to such body parts (I'll have to share our squirrel experience in the next post), seeing whole chicken heads was a new experience for me.

In the bag, they were obviously chicken heads, but being stuck together made them seem more like one hunk of meat.  However...

When you take them out, the reality that they were at once a living, breathing bird becomes a little too real.  Um, ew?!  Thankfully I'm not super squeamish, but they're still kind of gross, to say the least.  But they're food for my dog, and if I'm going to feed a raw diet, I know I need to accept ALL parts of that diet.  So bring on the chicken heads!

Turns out, Mona LOVES them.  I gave her one this evening as an after-dinner treat, fully expecting her to take a while before she figured it out.  But in true carnivore style, she had that thing chomped up in a few quick crunches, and the entire head was gone in less than 3 minutes!  She absolutely loved it.  It appears chicken heads are the doggy equivalent of candy.  :)  I'm thrilled to see her trying new things so readily, and the fact that she loves them is even better.  I'm also thoroughly pleased with my organ haul, and will definitely order from MPC again.  They were very nice and made it easy to organize a delivery.  If anyone was waiting on a recommendation before ordering from them, here's mine!

I'll have to share our adventures with the chicken feet and turkey feet in the future.  Hopefully they take Mona a little longer than the chicken heads.  At the very least, I expect the turkey leg (which is almost as long as she is) to last a little while!

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